While there has been a lot of sewing there has been some ‘not quite rights’ of late. Things not quite fitting, blah – blah – blah. Here are a few things that have passed.
This is the hat from Pip’s book, while it didn’t fit Caleb it is a very cute addition to the present pile.
I adapted a long sleeve pattern to make this circle yoke top, the arm holes are pretty airy but I am happy to ignore that. The Heather ross was a donation from the lovely Kate.
Shark on your ass swimmers and white binding at legs. The camo material was from Melanie (thanks very much!).
I was really happy with this dress from a few creative spaces ago, the pics aren’t the best, temperamental model! I am working on a pink version (as requested by temperamental model)
The lead up to Christmas is feeling a little daunting, but I am trying to ignore it and keep ploughing through my handmade gifty list. (Note to anyone planning children – don’t have them the week before Christmas!) I am thinking a little cookie baking from Windsor Deli (her choc chip cookie is being modelled by Caleb at the beach). Have you checked out her blog - lots of cute recipes and I really love “the cook and the chef” using in season ingredients that she is doing in conjunction with Mish.
Next up some placemats for the inlaws. Congrats if you actually made it this far!