There are only 24 hours in the day for me to fit in full time drafting, full time mum, keeping the house in some kind of order and sewing part-time and trying to blog and keep up with commenting. Poppy is sick and testing the 'terrible 2' to it's limits demanding a lot of my energy. The year has gone so quick as I try to shoe horn as much as possible in and I realised that I have are no babies left anymore, they are growing up so fast and I want to have as much fun as I can with them.
I am on the roundabout where no matter where I divide my time I feel like I should be spending it doing something else. Next year will be such a breath of fresh air, Caleb will be at Prep much closer to home, I am hoping Poppy will be able to handle a few mornings at child care and the sewing can become a fun hobby again.
Please forgive me the whinge, at the heart of it I am so lucky to be able to work from home and spend time with my kids. I am so lucky to have a hubby who supports my crafty endeavours or whatever I choose to do. I am so lucky to have fabulous bloggy friends and craft groups.
Until then I will keep treading water.
How amazing is this image
I think it is going around. With this time of year comes the thought (emphasised by certain supermarkets who have already stocked their shelves) that Christmas is almost here and with it a million other things to do. And despite the gorgeous weather, all we can think about is the to do list. All hanging out for a new year ~ for me it is No.2 going off to school.
You're certainly not alone.
Chin up! (as in above the water :)
I know how you feel! This year has been a blurr for me, and I have to force myself to stop and smell the roses. Dirty dishes are calling me, a pile of washing... but my kiddies need a cuddle.
Ill try and catch you and say hello at the market :)
Well, I think what you have managed to do in the last year is amazing. You pack a lot into a day lady and it must be time to put your feet up for a wee bit.
Tossing you a couple of floaties and a kick board!
I reckon you're pretty amazing too. And I reckon you're clever for being up to your eyeballs in everything and STILL finding the space to see what it is that's going on and what it is that needs to change.
SAME HERE!!!! Thanks for putting it into so many words. THIS is the story of my life.
It's a dilemma isn't it - what to 'put on hold' in order to fit other things in.
It's such a juggle to work and parent and partner and of course craft!
I hope you find a balance that works for you Cindy - and good on you for being honest - so many are ofetn in the same situation but too 'scared' to speak up.
This time of year can certainly do a number on you. Especially with the 2yr old. And they do grow insanely fast, don't they? :(
I hope you are able to find that perfect balance. Just drop by and give us tips k :P
You do an amazing job Cindy, and yes, sometimes something has to give. As long as you are enjoying what you do then that is the main thing. In the meantime, just enjoy the kids, and creating things without timelines. Hugs to you.
I've never known how on earth you manage to keep up with so much, but I'm very glad that you're taking some time out for yourself.
Life is too short - we all need to stop and smell the roses every once in a while.
And such is the life of a working Mum with 2 chillens. Aren't toddlers fun?!? Hmmmm I really believe girls are MUCH harder than boys x Hang in there
Thanks for this honest post! I think something's gotta give sometimes ... just not sure what! Breathing helps ... just five minutes a day, cup of tea, breath goes in and out, restores some peace to a frantic mind!
Trying to fit 3x full times job into one single 24 hours on paper is impossible but somehow alot of Mums do it. This year has been such a blurr for us as well and with two little ones it seems that without noticing my baby is a toddler and my little girl is only a year from school. How does that happen? Enjoy slowing down a bit and taking time.
I know exactly how you feel. But what doesn't kill us makes us stronger...or so they say. But who are 'they'? That I think is the real question. Behind you all the way 'Wonder-Mama':) x
Oh Cindy, it's like you have taken everything that I have been feeling lately and put it to paper (or blog post :-)). I know what you mean. It's being stretched to the limit in all directions, not knowing if you are making the best use of your time at any given point in time, and frustration when new opportunities come up and you have to turn them down because there is no physical way of undertaking them. I think this is further highlighted during this time of year, closer to Christmas and knowing that 2009 will soon be over.
Taking time out from some commitments to re-focus is a great idea. Make sure you get some time to yourself too!
Was that really a whinge? No way! I have read this kind of post many times and it is so reasonable and right to do what feels best and what works with you and your family. I am really feeling this myself and trying to be so strict about how much time I spend on my sewing, my blog and on the computer. When Evie is at care that's when I do all my stuff but if the kids are home I just really feel I need to be with them. I think you are so amazing to have achived all that you have so far and all things in life are temporary, life ebbs and flows and you need to go with it. Sending love your way!
That wasn't really a whinge! It was an honest reflection of where you are at. Like the others here I am amazed at what you have packed into life this year, and I can well understand the need for a break from markets and soak up some kid time. I did a similar thing (leaving my paid job) about 6 months ago, and it isn't necessarily an easy decision, but I have no regrets at all!
you are not robinson crusoe thats for sure. motherhood, homemaker, carer,lover,creator, etc it's a tough gig. try not to be tough on your self i am sure you do an amazing job. be in the moment because time goes way too fast. try not to swim too fast and don't sink-floating is fine
i hear ya!! im the same way...its so hard to juggle everything isnt it!!
Thanks for your post - truth it connects with everyone in one way or another. "Balance" is such a challenge for everyone of us. Sure we all have different stuff going on, but in today's fast paced world, we are all struggling day to day to juggle our responsibilities and interests. Time the world slowed down a bit agian huh?
You've got to look after yourself first and it takes a brave woman to say I am overstretched and I'm going to change that. Good for you.
I often wonder how some of you super creative blog mum's manage!! You are an inspiration to a much slower mum. I will still enjoying reading your exploits, makets or not! Chin up, we all feel a little bit underwater some times. I call it slow mo.
It's a tough one and I can't imagine how you manage to fit it all in.
It sounds as though next year will be much more settled for you and all I can say is hold on until then.
I'm sure the lead in to a market such as Magnolia Square must be huge and perhaps you'll feel more in control once that is over.
Oh yes. I know this feeling Cindy! I think there's a few of us out there who can relate!
Stepping back and letting go of things is such a good plan Good, sane and healthy - for all.
I know how it feels to be overloaded, I've been really struggling this year also...
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