Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The First Day and Sunday Stash

Caleb had his first morning at 4-year old kinder and he was pumped, couldn't wait to hang out - where he didn't have to be a big brother or not be too noisy or not run so fast. I worked from mild concern to kinda panicked, like every parent this week. By the time he came home he was exhausted and quietly watching TV trying to unwind. That is the thing with Asperger's Autism, Caleb looks like he copes like a champ, but inside he is constantly processing every piece of social interaction he can. We use lots of social stories so that he can understand what is coming and the rest is just hope, hope that people respond to him. So far so good.
This pile is all the sticker books that we did over the holidays.

I also have some great Sunday Stash to share, another great purchase from the ever fabulous Mayumi at Karaku. It is a little fabulous, is it not. See Tamara for more Fabricy goodness.


sophie said...

Hooray for Caleb - he looks like he is inot stickers as much as my Lucia, she adores sticker books.

Ok, so I want to join Sunday stash but I thought it was for Sundays? Are you late/early or just bucking the system? Maybe Sunday stash is for any day of the week...some insight please!!

Megan.K. said...

Congratulations getting through the first day jitters Cindy! I think you are such a wonderful mum... and I am sure Caleb will settle in and be happy with you supporting him as beautifullyas you do. Fingers crossed it keeps going well x megan

Jetta's Nest said...

Aaah sticker books! They're such great fun aren't they :)

I hope everyday at 4 year old kinder is as good for Caleb as his first!

Little Munchkins said...

Sounds like he had a good first day. My kids love stickers too (which child wouldn't??).

Libby said...

So glad to hear that starting school is going smoothly for you both.
He'll be through his first year before you know it!

Amber said...

Oh that is great he is loving school. I am sure your nurturing and gentle nature make home a delight after school.
Good on you..xx

Lexi:: PottyMouthMama said...

That sticker book pile is impressive!! So cool, and so stoked Caleb had a wonderful day.

That fabric is wild - beautiful - wow!