I am hoping that Kellie can help out with next weeks and a big thanks to Anastasia for this weeks theme. Can't wait to see and as always you can join in anytime, just add your link after you have posted below so we can all find you and it doesn't matter what day of the week that you do it.
I am feeling like I need another week-end after my week-end. We busted a gut moving my beloved sewing room into the garage! and the kids now have their own rooms. It is really hard as Caleb needs to go to bed quite early but I can't put him to bed before his younger sister, but with them sharing she just spends the next half an hour before she drops off annoying him. Then tonight I hear Caleb crying he because doesn't want to be alone. Glen gets to spend his day off tomorrow moving them back in together and the other room into a play room. Did I mention we live in a 2 story town house - my legs are aching at the thought of it. Oh and Caleb decided to get a vomiting stomach bug on Saturday too. And Glen put his back out moving the fabric cupboard down the stairs mid-way through the first morning. What can you do - poor little munchkin looked so sad tonight.
Oh those shoes are so cute!
And poor Caleb :( It is kind of lovely that he's missing her though. They like to keep our lives busy by keeping us on our toes don't they?! Hope he's over the tummy bug anyway xxx
great sewing lovely!!!
Sorry about the tummy bug! Poor lil boy!
Cute shoes. I have multiple pairs of red flats that I love and wear often! :)
my word verification is cinsally. sally doesn't happen to be your middle name? ha! funny
sounds very busy at your house ~ but a play room will be fun!
oh my, and the pressure of coming up with a theme ... putting my thinking cap on!
Yummy yummy frocks!
I also spy some little shorts with sailing boats... very curious about those. They look very good indeedy :)
oh, red shoes. those made me gasp.
oh after all that I think you deserve those new cute shoes....poor Caleb, must be hard being alone after sharing with his cute sister...hope he's feeling better now
and i hope mum isnt too lonely sewing in the garage!
Man, house moving woes - I hear you. I have to beg and plead Andrew to help me move things around it is so tiring.
I LOVE that dress in the bottom left corner, the blue and green with pink! Love it!! Want it!!
I don't have a great shoe collection either....I have real trouble with shoes as I have fallen arches and must wear 'sensible' shoes. Love a good pair of red shoes though....
pretty busy! hope caleb is feeling better
Cute, cute shoes - love the button!
And, the things we do for the little ones, huh? Just think, now you get to decorate the garage!
Those shoes are very nice. I love red shoes. I really hate shoe shopping too (I have very small but broad feet), but I like nice shoes.
We are in the middle of gastro bug here too. I am the current patient. Just CHris to go (though I hope he avoids it!)
Oh dear, tummy bugs and back injuries are no good at all :(
But, they are tres cute shoes, red flats sound just perfect. x
I'm hunting for shoes and new glasses. argh!!!! Why am I so indecisive?
Absolutely LOVE the goodies for market. Boy are you going to have a good (and profitable!) time.
and, have you seen these cheapies - a friend raves about them for both herself and kids - http://www.walnutmelbourne.com/
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