Don't judge me for what I am about to say, but I am not really a gadget kinda gal. I don't have an I-phone, or MP3 player, I wish I had a fanicer camera even though I love the one I have, I use my mobile phone just to make phone calls with - crazy stuff I know.
I am hoping that Louise can help out with next weeks and a big thanks to Kellie for this weeks theme. Can't wait to see and as always you can join in anytime, just add your link after you have posted below so we can all find you and it doesn't matter what day of the week that you do it.
that is still a great gadget! i am an absolute gadget girl! i have all you have listed above, some several times over but i can't sew ~ and the greatest gadget in the world would not change that!
I'm just bad at gadgets, full stop. But I'm fairly determined to get to grips with one something like yours one of these days...
Overlockers are the ultimate sewers gadget Cindy.
I was given a hand-me-down overlocker on the weekend.
Now I just need to work out how to drive it!!
i'm with you on the whole gadget thing! I do have an overlocker, but that has me beat at the moment! I took out one of the needles (10 years ago) to do a fancy edge, but never figured out how to put it back in! It's on my to-do list, for us to get aquainted again!
Love to! Will put my thinking cap on!
It does look like a very fancy overlocker!
Mum has an oldie that just does straight lines. Yours looks like it could do much more. One day I will get one, at the moment am living much on a prayer that things won't unravel!
Well, if its got to be just the one gadget, then its a goodie!
You know Cindy I'm a bit the same, not too much of a gadget freak, but I do have an Ipod, which I love. But my phone is the same as yours, I mean I use it to make calls and text.
Great Gadget !
When it comes to sewing gadgets, I know nothing..nothing at all. But I am ever so impressed with what you can create with those lovely gadgets, tres clever.
Great overlocker. I'd love one one day. First I need a sewing room. *sigh*
I SO want/need and overlocker!!
Jealous! I waaaant an overlocker! I hope you get amazing results with it. I'm trying to finish linen seams without one - oh the fray!
I think that's a rocking gadget - it's revolutionary!! Imagine an i-phone that could trim & stitch your that's a gadget....
It is certainly interesting for me to read that post. Thanx for it. I like such themes and anything that is connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.
Cell jammers
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