So many things to feel joyful about. The market went well and we sold quite a few different pieces and I am madly trying to list the rest in the etsy shop now.I am joyful to have lots of time now to sew without deadlines and looking forward to getting into my LONG list of to dos.Glen's fabulous support, sometimes he still gets me by surprise at how much he believes in me. I love the pre-market shot of him with his coffee.
Joyful at my beautiful and crazy babies - love them so much, that is how that get to drive me so insane too.
So joyful at my beautiful boy nearly turning 5, this one is tinged with sadness. Preparing for the party and he is so excited. Gearing up for Prep next year more excitement with a little in trepidation.
Poppy is the light of my day and the darkness of my night too - the joys of a 2 year old with the will of a champion. Every day she drives me nuts and every day she gives great cuddles.
Joyful at Christmas around the corner and 2 weeks off, unheard of at our place and with no plans and no place to go I can't wait.
A great place to live, food on our table, hobbys that I love, blogging, crafty friends, all sorts of great stuff to be truly joyful about and sometimes it is hard to stop and really appreciate it.
Next week I think Eye Spy ... A Christmas Wish might be fun and thanks to AussieWaffler for last week's theme. Can't wait to see and as always you can join in anytime, just add your link after you have posted below so we can all find you and it doesn't matter what day of the week that you do it.