I was driving Caleb to Kinder chatting like we normally do and then I hear "Mum, I am in love with the nude lady". I was a little thrown at first, and after a somewhat mild panic attack I discovered he was referring to a billboard. He is 4 years-old and it has started already. So it appears "sultry Sally" has stolen his heart while trying to sell the rest of us potato chips. Thankfully she is not quite naked and a cool pin-up, but I am keeping an eye on him and if he starts to go to kinder in his smokers jacket and pipe he will be in big trouble. No Caleb Hefner thank you.

15 years you reckon? I hope you have that long. I am reliably informed that once kids hit eight these days they start turning all pre-teen. (I'm off for some sanity saving therapy first).
cindy, thanks for sharing that one!!! It gave me a good early morning giggle. Although, a tad scary at 4!! Boys will be boys!
wow, what a contrast to Lucia's comment this morning "mum, I really don't want to get married because I just don't like boys!"
Caleb is one serious cutie! He will be fighting them off with a stick when he is older!!
he, he, he
you should hear ryder sing 'hot legs'
some of the lyrics are quite inappropriate!
:) Wow, it does start early doesn't it!
Funny! They are good chips too!
it could be worse....Thats all I'm sayin'
my mother saw mine (tattoo) in a cafe and said very loudly 'oh mu god is that real?' and then licked her fingers and tried to rub it off ... I was 27 years old !
Hahaha, such a cute story! (Or so I think, probably because I don't have children yet ;-D)
I think that is just the cutest thing I've heard in a long time.
very funny and scary at the same time. watch out girls!
Oh how cute! He's got good taste, she is lovely LOL
He's too funny, your little man.
Heehee, the boy has taste! :p
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